
Jan de Waele

november 21, 2024

Duurzaamheid is een collectieve verantwoordelijkheid Op het jaarlijkse LIVES-congres van de European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESCIM) in Barcelona nam hij de voorzittershamer over…

Early warning score to detect deterioration in the hospital: role of staffing and alarm fatigue?

mei 1, 2021

Patients who experience severe adverse events such as cardiopulmonary arrest, unplanned intensive care unit (ICU) admissions and death during their hospital stay show signs of…

Sharing is caring: how COVID-19 led to large scale collaboration for icudata.nl

maart 1, 2021

For many intensivists worldwide, the pandemic will have created long-lasting memories. Some of them grim, such as massively overwhelmed ICUs, the dehumanising appearance of seemingly…

Volume 26, Issue 4 – July 2018

juli 1, 2018

It’s not a gut feeling: don’t listen to the bowels J.I. van der Spoel Auscultation for bowel sounds in patients with ileus: an outdated practice…