cardiac arrest

Tetraplegia and autonomic dysfunction due to a rare case of panspinal epidural empyema

juli 6, 2023

Abstract A 50-year-old male patient presented to the emergency department with back and neck pain. During his admission, over a period of a few days,…

Extracorporeal rewarming and support in severe hypothermia with cardiac arrest: a return from death

juli 1, 2021

Abstract Severe hypothermia leads to cardiac instability; however, it also has protective effects due to decreased metabolic activity. Therefore, prolonged resuscitation is advised in hypothermic…

EEG in patients admitted after cardiac arrest: daily clinical practice

januari 1, 2021

The role of electroencephalography (EEG) in patients admitted to your intensive care unit (ICU) after cardiac arrest has changed substantially in the last few years.…