Volume 25, Issue 5 – September 2017

Management of submassive pulmonary embolism
M. Coppens
Patient-related determinants of host response and sepsis outcome
M.A. Wiewel, L.A van Vught, T. van der Poll, M.J. Schultz
Satisfaction of nurses and physicians with the introduction of the Rapid Response System in Dutch hospitals
A.H. Brunsveld-Reinders, J. Ludikhuize, M.S. Arbous, M.G.W. Dijkgraaf, E.de Jonge for the COMET study group
An unexpected cause of in-hospital cardiac arrest
S. IJmkers, N. van der Lubbe, L. Dawson
Treating pulmonary embolism in the intensive care unit: are the guidelines helpful?
A.C.J.M. de Pont, D.P.M. Brandjes
A severe community-acquired pneumonia during pregnancy
D.W. Oostwoud, S. Achterberg, C. Savelkoul, D.H.T. Tjan, D.W. de Lange
Brain activity in cardiac arrest
J. Horn, M.M. Admiraal
When to start renal-replacement therapy in critically ill patients?
H.R.W. Touw, H.M. Oudemans-van Straaten
Successful use of plain subcostal transthoracic echocardiography in VV-ECMO cannula repositioning
F.S. van den Brink, A.H. Swadi, E. Scholten
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