Volume 29, Issue 5 – September 2021

Cover Volume 29, Issue 5

Promoting sleep in Dutch intensive care Units: are we still using the ‘wrong’ medication?

Sleep is an essential aspect of human life, and evidence is growing that deprivation of sleep leads to an increase in adverse outcomes,[1] for example a higher occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.[2] In our field, the…

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POCUS series: right ventricular assessment with emphasis on TAPSE, apical and subcostal variants

Abstract In the last decade, ultrasound has found its place in the intensive care unit (ICU). Initially, ultrasound was used primarily to increase the safety and efficacy of line insertion, but currently many intensivists use…

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Sleep medication and sedative use in Dutch intensive care units: a nationwide survey

Abstract Background: Intensive care patients often suffer from short, fragmented and low-quality sleep. Poor sleep can cause prolonged mechanical ventilation, delirium and deranged metabolic function. Sound scientific evidence for sleeppromoting treatments is lacking. Benzodiazepines, which…

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Tentamen suicidii, examen neurologiae: Attempted suicide with neurological symptoms. A case report

Abstract A 31-year-old woman was admitted to our intensive care department after a violent suicide attempt. There was no evidence of drug ingestion and no prior psychiatric history. Collateral history provided by her parents revealed…

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Diffuse alveolar haemorrhage in ANCA-associated vasculitis following cocaine use

Case presentation A 32-year-old man presented to the emergency department with haemoptysis and cough developing over a few days. His medical history included MPO-ANCA-associated vasculitis (AAV), since 2014, which had resulted in end-stage kidney disease…

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Remission of catatonia after intravenous propofol infusion for unrelated reasons

Abstract In the aftermath of a cerebrovascular accident, a 66-year-old male patient with a recurrent depressive disorder displayed prolonged stupor, mutism, negativism, immobility, catalepsia and posturing. The abrupt improvement of his symptoms directly after administering…

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